War Diaries Talk

Message for DamianS Regarding 7 Division: 23 Field Ambulance Query re date of Diary.

  • marie.eklidvirginmedia.com by marie.eklidvirginmedia.com

    Regarding the date of the diary you have commented on for the 7 Division: 23 Field Ambulance which I noticed in the diary comment box. Page Link: https://talk.operationwardiary.org/#/subjects/AWD0003ojg

    As it is only page 5 of the diary – and the diary heading shows the dates, 1st October 1914-30 November 1917, therefore it must be October 1914.

    Sometimes diaries do not show the year, in that case you can only type in the date and month if shown.

    PS If you have a query it is better just to go into the Discussion Board under FAQ (Find answers to commonly asked questions here) Then the questions can be noted and answered for you. Everyone on this project is only too happy to help.

    Here is a useful list of medical abbreviations when tagging Field Ambulance Diaries: Link:


    Sometimes you come across this one: NYD = Not yet diagnosed.


  • cyngast by cyngast moderator

    DamianS, Marie is right that it is probably 1914. It is not only at the beginning of the diary, but the place names on the page are those that were prominent in the fighting in the fall of 1914 near Ypres. However, I am relying more on the places, as our diaries occasionally are loaded with pages or whole sections out of order.

    If you come across another case, and you probably will if you tag very many of our diaries, where the diary author does not record the complete date, you can delete the missing information from the Date tag. For example, if the date in the diary is just October 22, you can delete the year. However, you have to do that for each date, as the default setting for the Date tag is to include the year.

    You may even find some cases where only the date, such as 15 or 8 or 29, is recorded in the diary. Then you can delete both the month and year.

    Don't worry about information missing from a diary page. Our project is designed to capture what is there, rather than to create a complete picture.
