War Diaries Talk

Subject comments

  • Subject AWD0003xn5


    by RosemaryJ

  • Subject AWD00047zh

    #horse - transport exercise

    by Pilgrim_alas

  • Subject AWD0003sco

    #horsescasualties 1 H.D. horse destroyed. T/30754 Driver S. Rowntree unexpired portion of sentence remitted.

    by Storeman20

  • Subject AWD0003scj

    Unexpired portion of Driver J. Naylor's sentence remitted.

    by Storeman20

  • Subject AWD0003wcv

    Driver sentenced to 28 days FP No.1

    by deehar

  • Subject AWD0003se4


    by deehar

  • Subject AWD00047w6

    Wynch R.C.: R.C. could be initials or stand for Roman Catholic?

    by erik.schaubroeckscarlet.be

  • Subject AWD0003sco

    Dr. T/13308 J Reid transferred to NT Depot Havre for passage to England as an unconfirmed Lance Corporal for the New Army.

    by marie.eklidvirginmedia.com

  • Subject AWD0003sco

    Driver S Rowntree, T/30754. Unexpired portion of sentence remitted under Suspension of Sentences Act. Authority 5th Div. dated 14/12/1915.

    by marie.eklidvirginmedia.com

  • Subject AWD0003sco

    #horsescasualties 1 HD horse destroyed by order of Veterinary Officer.

    by marie.eklidvirginmedia.com

  • Subject AWD0003scc

    2 Supply-1 baggage wagon of 2/R Inniskilling Fus. joined with 4 pairs of horses and following named drivers on the Btn joining 15th Inf. Bde

    by marie.eklidvirginmedia.com

  • Subject AWD0003scc

    2 Baggage and 2 supply wagons of 6th Liverpool Regt. accompany Btn on its transfer from 15th Inf. Bde to 3rd Army HQ with named drivers.

    by marie.eklidvirginmedia.com

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