War Diaries Talk

Bombardment programme

  • iVeal by iVeal

    I have totally no idea how to classify this page. It's not an order to attack but a scheduled Bombardment programme connected to a "Warning order". Should I choose page type "other", "order" or is there any better way to classify that one?


  • HeatherC by HeatherC moderator

    We can't see your page from the link @iVeal. You need to give us the unique page reference. Copying and pasting from the tagging page just takes us to our own tagging page I'm afraid 😃

    Having said that, if it's attached to a warning order then classify it as an order I think?


  • ral104 by ral104 moderator, scientist

    Yes, order sounds about right. You're unlikely to be able to tag too much info on the page, though, by the sounds of it.


  • iVeal by iVeal

    I apologize 😃
    It's page 217 in wo/95/1559/1.


  • ral104 by ral104 moderator, scientist

    Hi, @iVeal - sorry to be a pain, but that reference is for the war diary collection as a whole. What we need is a link to the page itself and luckily we have some instructions (see below) on how to do that (note that you can find the page in question again by looking in your profile on the tagging interface):

    Go to the Talk Balloon icon (near the Finished! ** button) and click the highlighted link "**discuss this page on talk". This will start a new thread with the page image shown on the left hand side of the thread. OR right click the link and select "Copy shortcut" from the menu. Now, close the "Talk Comments" box and choose Talk from the top menu. You can now right click to paste the link into the text of your post. For more information on how to cite pages in discussions please see: http://talk.operationwardiary.org/#/boards/BWD000000g/discussions/DWD0000cx8

    I hope this helps. In the meantime, HeatherC's advice above is good.


  • iVeal by iVeal

    I'm so sorry! I just didn't want to start a new discussion once I've started this one, so I hope this works: http://static.zooniverse.org/www.operationwardiary.org/subjects/standard/52d056a23ae74026a3087bf3.jpg
    Otherwise I'll do the "discuss this page on talk", I promise 😃


  • ral104 by ral104 moderator, scientist

    Perfect! And don't be sorry - it's not the most immediately obvious thing 😄

    I would definitely classify this as an orders page. Within that, there are a few bits of info you'll be able to tag - dates and type, for example, but not much beyond that. The data we're collecting is mainly focussed on what actually happened, rather than what was planned to happen, hence the paucity of tags for some of the page types.
