War Diaries Talk

USA Mystery re Roses - Minden Day – celebrated by the 1 Btn Hampshire Regiment - Interesting article Maybe of interest to Cynthia.

  • marie.eklidvirginmedia.com by marie.eklidvirginmedia.com

    Interesting article – See under Minden in Regimental Tradition. Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Minden Article – Includes ref to Kansas City, Minneapolis and St. Louis,

    The British regiments which fought at Minden (with the successor British army unit which still uphold their traditions) (*Includes ref to *Chicago, Kansas City, *Minneapolis and *St. Lois) re a mystery.

    On that day the men of all ranks wear roses in their caps. Royal Anglians, The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers and the PWRR wear red and yellow roses; the SCOTS wear red; RIFLES wear Yorkshire white roses. From this tradition, and to mark the heroism of the Yorkshiremen who fought, 1 August has been adopted as Yorkshire Day. The R WELSH do not wear roses on Minden Day as the Minden Rose was incorporated into the roundel of the cap badge of the Royal Welch Fusiliers and so is worn every day of the year. Retired members of the Regiment do sport roses in the lapels on Minden Day. Artillery regiments with Minden associations wear red roses.

    *Every year from 1967 to 2015, six red roses have been anonymously delivered to the British consulate in *Chicago on 1 August. Until they were closed, roses were also delivered to consulates in *Kansas City, *Minneapolis and *St. Louis, starting as early as 1958 in Kansas City. A note that comes with the roses lists the six regiments and says, "They advanced through rose gardens to the battleground and decorated their tricorne hats and grenadier caps with the emblem of England. These regiments celebrate Minden Day still, and all wear roses in their caps on this anniversary in memory of their ancestors." The Embassy has asked for the name of the sender (on numerous occasions) so that they may thank the individual in person, but the identity of the donor remains a mystery.

    Page link for 1st Btn Hampshire Regiment – celebrating Minden Day - Battle of Minden in 1759. https://talk.operationwardiary.org/#/subjects/AWD0003uft
