War Diaries Talk

The Operation War Diary Blog

  • ral104 by ral104 moderator, scientist

    I'd really like to get the blog active again - I've been attempting to come up with a post a week, but wondered if anybody out there had any thoughts they'd like to share on it. Areas of interest you'd like to read more about? Perhaps areas of expertise that you could contribute a short article on.

    Any comments welcome!


  • HeatherC by HeatherC moderator

    Some ideas:

    • How the hashtagging of horses developed from pointless to interesting!
    • Something about honours and awards?
    • In a week or so we might look at what has come out of the "equipmentevaluation" hashtag?

    I don't mind writing one of these for next week if you like...


  • ral104 by ral104 moderator, scientist

    Thanks, Heather! Those all sound like great topics. If you'd like to write one, I'd really appreciate it, but please don't feel obliged. I would imagine the horses hashtag one would be a good choice...
