War Diaries Talk


  • nosnibor3 by nosnibor3

    I have recently moved from mainly tagging infantry diaries to an artillery diary. It took me a while to understand what was going on, but now I am enjoying finding out about the war from their point of view. I have noticed, however, that quite often there are no hashtags for he type of activities they go in for. Also if the type of weapons they use are of interest. Perhaps someone with a greater knowledge of the artillery would have a look?
    Keep on tagging


  • HeatherC by HeatherC moderator

    We did talk about this in the hashtags thread with regard to different types of ammunition but the general feeling from those who know about such stuff was it was too vague to differentiate. There may well be some stuff we could hashtag though so if you have an good ideas do suggest them! I am moving this thread to the hashtag area of the forum.


  • ral104 by ral104 moderator, scientist

    The artillery diaries seem to generate a lot of #equipmentevaluation tags. Do let us know if you think there are extra things this doesn't cover, though.

    We also have #ammoshortage, which seems to have affected batteries from time to time.


  • nosnibor3 by nosnibor3

    I think the main areas thathaven't got a relevant tag are when the (usually) officer in charge carries out observing, ranging and 'getting the register'. I am still in the early part of the war, so this may well change.


  • ral104 by ral104 moderator, scientist

    I agree there are no tags that really cover those activities, but then I'm not sure they're needed. They're such a part and parcel of artillery activity that I think we can safely assume they're going on, if you see what I mean. I'm not sure tagging to that level of detail really adds to our understanding of things.
