War Diaries Talk

Moderators - Maybe misfiled Query on the diary of Divisional Troops 170 Brigade RFA.

  • marie.eklidvirginmedia.com by marie.eklidvirginmedia.com

    I hope to tag the diary of the 170 Brigade RFA – Diary heading is *March 1916-April 1916 – 50 pages, when I have shortly finished the one I am working on. The next page coming up to be tagged for this particular diary is page 36.
    Ref on bottom of page is WO/95/2350/1 P.36 of 50.WO/95/2350/1age 36 of 50

    Page 36 is a page of an order but it has the signed date as 23rd December 1916. Though heading runs from March 1916-April 1916.

    1). Has the above diary got a misfiled diary heading? Or 2) is page 36 out of order from another part of their diaries?

    By the way including the above mentioned one - there are 3 other diaries for the Divisional Troops – 170 Brigade RFA, on the Diary Selection Page as follows: May 1916-Sept 1916/Jan 1917-March 1917/April 1917-May 1917. I suppose these headings are correct?

    Hope you can understand this – Would you be able to check the Diary for the 170 Brigade RFA for *page 36, on which I am questioning the diary heading and the page itself? Thank-you.


  • cyngast by cyngast moderator

    It took me a while to figure this out, but it does appear that the diary you are interested in tagging, from the end of February through April, 1916, also includes a large number of pages of orders and/or reports from December, 1916. From page 36 on, that is all you will see. This particular diary isn't very long, though. There doesn't appear to be a December, 1916, diary anywhere in any of the four sections we have up for tagging right now.

    The second section, the one that begins with May, 1916, seems to have a number of appendices for the month of June that may be really interesting to artillery buffs. Among them are lists of the actual targets with grid coordinates.

    We'll make a note of the December items in the March-April, 1916, diary, so you don't need to worry about putting in hashtags that say misfiled or out of order. They have all been tagged previously as well.

    Does this answer your questions?


  • marie.eklidvirginmedia.com by marie.eklidvirginmedia.com

    Thanks Cynthia for your quick reply. I will go ahead and tag the diary in question from page 36 as mentioned. I thought it was unusual for this diary heading for March 1916-April 1916 to include an entry for an order date of 23rd December 1916.

    Do you want me to put a note in the comment box of page 36 saying - Reported to Moderator re date of June 1916 or not?


  • cyngast by cyngast moderator

    No need to put that in the comment box. I've made a note of it already and added it to our list of problem diaries.

    Just doing your usual excellent tagging work will be enough!


  • marie.eklidvirginmedia.com by marie.eklidvirginmedia.com

    Thanks for your kind words Cynthia. I did not put the comment suggested in the comment box. 😃
