War Diaries Talk

No year included with date...

  • greebocat by greebocat

    I wonder if anyone can appease my conscience here. I've had to miss out so very many dates on these diaries from my tags as they only include a month and day, but no year - something which seems to happen on the majority of the pages I've worked on so far. Am i missing some easy way to figure out the year on such pages? Or will i simply have to accept that it's not possible to label a correct date on these pages due to this omission in the records?
    Thank you to anyone who might have a suggestion for me.


  • marie.eklidvirginmedia.com by marie.eklidvirginmedia.com

    Don,t know if this suggestion will help you but I keep a notepad beside me and when I am tagging a diary. I have a column for page number, date, place. I also list people, this helps when the writing on a following diary page is faint or the name of the person is not legible. It means more work but I find it helpful.


  • 141Dial34 by 141Dial34

    Yep,same here Marie.Especially when the system throws you out a few times or you go to bed before a full month is finished.Always have a written record.If eveyone finished the month and stopped at a cover page then the following people can follow more easily.It also helps to start a diary from the very beginning & not come in half way.Plus you get the whole story of their war.You get to know the authors writing & wish him back from leave sometimes!


  • ral104 by ral104 moderator, scientist

    It's also possible to place the date tag using only the information given.

    So if the diary says 4th of August with no year, all you need to do is delete the year from the text box at the top of the date tag. Incomplete information is better than no information - we can generally work out the missing details later on.

    Hope that helps!



  • greebocat by greebocat

    Thank you for your helpful suggestions, I have started keeping notes now and did not realise that I could enter an incomplete date - something which is very useful if, like me, you come into the middle of a diary so you don't have the cover page to work out the year in question.
    Thanks again for your help guys!


  • ral104 by ral104 moderator, scientist

    Glad it helped! Just let us know if anything else is unclear.
