War Diaries Talk

Report or diary page?

  • bje by bje

    The unit I'm tagging (1 Royal Welsh) doesn't seem to include any casualties, reinforcements etc as part of its diary, but uses a separate sheet. As this is ordered by date it could be handled as a diary sheet. I'm wondering what previous taggers have done - want to be consistent.


  • ral104 by ral104 moderator, scientist

    It's fine to treat it as a diary page if it's date ordered like that. Thanks for checking 😃


  • marie.eklidvirginmedia.com by marie.eklidvirginmedia.com

    I am also working on the diary for 1 Btn Royal Welsh Fusiliers. When I have had these pages - Casualties, Reinforcements etc, I have tagged as a Report. I have tagged the names but could not tag number of casualties because of no Casualty Box on the Report Section. I tagged as a report Page - and made comments ie. #nominalroll, #draft and #casualty list, because I had already tagged Diary pages for the dates mentioned. I will tag pages like this, as diary Pages then the casualties numbers can be put in the casualty box on the diary page. Maybe I should have tagged previous Casualties, Reinforcements etc as Diary Pages. Is that Ok.


  • deehar by deehar

    I have also not been tagging reports which are in chronological order ( like Operational and Casualty Reports) as Diary pages. I was worried that the system would not be able to deal with out-of-order and duplicate dates. However if this is not a problem tagging reports as diary pages allows you to input a lot more information without using hashtags. OK?


  • marie.eklidvirginmedia.com by marie.eklidvirginmedia.com

    After reading Deehar's message, I am now not sure whether to tag the pages in question as Diary Pages or Reports. Can you confirm. Have started another diary but will go back to the 1 Btn Royal Welsh Fusiliers when I hear from you. By the way, not a good day, lost a page, after nearly finishing it, of the new diary I started. pressed finished by mistake. It is a pity that the FINISHED BUTTON is not at the bottom of the diary page instead of at the top near the comment bubble. If the finished button was at the bottom of the page, when you pressed it, you would know the page was actually finished. Will keep calm and carry on!


  • HeatherC by HeatherC moderator in response to marie.eklid@virginmedia.com's comment.

    Rob seems to be saying tag it as a diary page but only where it is ordered like this so you can use the date tag correctly.


  • marie.eklidvirginmedia.com by marie.eklidvirginmedia.com

    Thanks for the answer to my question Heather. Will tag as diary pages, where the dates appear as on the page in question - and the date tag can be used.


  • deehar by deehar in response to marie.eklid@virginmedia.com's comment.

    I totally agree with your comment about the Finish button! It is very easy to click on Finish when all you want to do is dismiss the timeline or comment boxes. When I regularly start clicking on Finish by mistake it is generally a sign that it is time to stop classifying !


  • ral104 by ral104 moderator, scientist

    Heather's already answered the question, but just to confirm: if a report is date ordered in this way, then it's perfectly okay to tag it as a diary page (that way you can capture a lot more information).

    As for the Finish button, I'm afraid there's not much we can do about that for the time being, but I'll make a note of it in case we find ourselves in a position where we can re-design some elements of the interface. Thanks for the feedback.


  • lnnseagan by lnnseagan


    Which is it? I can't see if it has been covered in the usual diary pages.


  • ral104 by ral104 moderator, scientist

    I'd do this as a diary page. Slightly non-standard, but it's date-ordered and appears to be describing events which have happened, rather than planned movements.
