War Diaries Talk

How do I enter places that are not found on the map?

  • lukesmith by lukesmith moderator

    Enter the names as written in the diary. The map is a contextual aid and the positions it saves it may help historians to find some of the locations when we analyse the place information. However, many of the places are not found on the map, so that analysis will always be necessary.

    Field guide for place: http://www.operationwardiary.org/#/guide/diary/place


  • makfai by makfai

    The guide says 'Ignore locations that do not have a proper place name eg ignore Camp F or Area G.' Aren't these the kind of things which researchers may also want to search for? Could #hashtag be used with these for the benefit of researchers?


  • panjandrum by panjandrum

    I have the same concern as makfai.
    In "my" diary there are lots of locations that appear to have been given English names. For example, Harley Street, Village Line, Canal, Oxford Terrace. I can't always find a direct connection between these names and the proper geographical name. And even if I can find such a connection when first mentioned, I'm likely to forget the proper geographical name after a few weeks of repetition of the English version.
    What should I do about these?


  • simonedi by simonedi moderator

    actual trench names eg "harley street" were given by the troops to make the trenches feel more homely and make identifying them easier the names wont correspont to geographic areas usually but are more likely to have links to where the unit came from...
    these are usually worth entering as they often carried those names for a long time and can be identified by historians... you could tag the camp names but often they are trickier to locate
