War Diaries Talk

1st East Surrey Regiment

  • cyngast by cyngast moderator

    This page is a program of the special meals and activities in celebration of the 69th anniversary of the East Surreys' victory at the Battle of Sabraon in India. If I remember correctly, in the diary there was also mention of a football match that day and the Devons kindly taking over working party assignments for them for the day.

    What I really want to comment on, though, is the amazing level of detail contained in this diary, especially of everyday life on the Western Front. There are numerous routine orders included, covering such items as reminding the men to make out wills in their paybooks and that greatcoat flaps may be worn back when on the march but must be worn down when on sentry duty. I've not seen so many routine orders in any other diary I've tagged.

    There have also been numerous nominal rolls, especially going back to the first section of the battalion's diary beginning with mobilization. There was a very long list of men missing after the Battle of Mons (the first battle of the war for the British), and later a long list of those who eventually turned up. Again, something I've not seen in any other diary so far.


  • ral104 by ral104 moderator, scientist

    It certainly does sound fascinating! If anybody does want to read the diary but isn't able to tag it, you can download it from the National Archives (there's a small fee).


  • David_Underdown by David_Underdown moderator

    Actually the regimental association has the diaries online (as a scan of a typescript) see http://www.queensroyalsurreys.org.uk/war_diaries/war_diaries_home_new.shtml


  • ral104 by ral104 moderator, scientist

    Good to know - thanks, David!


  • cyngast by cyngast moderator

    Yes, thank you, David! I've just looked at Feb. 1915, which I have been working on, and the diary text and officer rolls are there. What's not there are the orders that cover many routine details and those that list all the NCO promotions by name. But it did include the program for the Sabraon Day concert.


  • marie.eklidvirginmedia.com by marie.eklidvirginmedia.com

    The Battle of Sobraon was fought on 10 February 1846, between the forces of the East India Company and the Sikh Khalsa Army, the army of the Sikh Empire of the Punjab. Link with images:



  • cyngast by cyngast moderator

    Another really interesting aspect of the 1st East Surreys' diaries are the inclusion in routine orders accounts of soldiers who have been court-martialed, including the crime and the punishment. These items include the man's name, rank, number, and unit; none so far have been from the East Surreys. The purpose seems to be to read these out to the men as examples to deter any similar behavior. They are very detailed with the type of infraction, the date, the punishment, and for those who had deserted, the exact time of the execution.

    Here is a link to one such page: Image AWD0003w53


  • marie.eklidvirginmedia.com by marie.eklidvirginmedia.com

    Courts Martial. The most serious offenders in the military were subject to courts martial. ...

    Punishment: Imprisonment, Fines, Loss of Rank. Drunkenness was the most common disciplinary offence, while more serious crimes included desertion, cowardice, and abandoning one's post. ...
    Punishment: Death. ... Pardon for the Executed.

    Link: https://www.google.co.uk/search?rlz=1C1DSGL_enGB426GB426&q=Punishments+in+ww1&oq=Punishments+in+ww1&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i30k1l2j0i5i30k1.5030.13562.0.14560.

    See also Military offences
    link: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/discover/military-heritage/first-world-war/courts-martial/Pages/courts-martial.aspx
