War Diaries Talk


  • Stork by Stork

    What is NYDN?


  • marie.eklidvirginmedia.com by marie.eklidvirginmedia.com

    NYDN means Not Yet Diagnosed Nervous. Also NYD is Not Yet Diagnosed.


  • Stork by Stork

    Thanks- i just remembered this www.briancurragh.com/page6.htm and it also says shell shock, which is a little more understandable.


  • cyngast by cyngast moderator

    You can go ahead and tag or record cases of NYDN or shell shock as being wounded. Although they may not have obvious wounds, the effect on the strength of the unit is the same: A man with shell shock is unable to perform his duties or follow orders in the front line. And because the disability was caused by the war, they don't count as sick, either.
