War Diaries Talk

Plea for the Pack Mounted Section

  • erik.schaubroeckscarlet.be by erik.schaubroeckscarlet.be

    What's the use of this plea for a Pack Mounted Section in a war diary?


  • marie.eklidvirginmedia.com by marie.eklidvirginmedia.com

    From reading this page, I read it as the the Author does not agree with a Pack Mounted Section.

    Some of his reasons: “He remarks on the usefulness of the CRA, - and says it consequently involves the dismounting of all mounted ranks, except Officers, Transport Sgts etc. It also involves using up of all the spare transport animals. (At the time when the unit is going into action) and strenuous calls are made on it.

    He finally says: "Therefore, before so seriously compromising the efficiency of the CFA as whole, I think it would be better to obtain sanction for the necessary extra horses (11) before actually forming the Pack Mounted Section for action".

    Also other persons comment i.e. (Long discussion of lack of official recognition for Pack Mounted Section and the impact of this on the resources of the CFA).


  • deehar by deehar in response to marie.eklidvirginmedia.com's comment.

    My feeling is that he thinks that a Pack Mounted Section is a good thing but the top brass won't allow him the extra horses needed. The Pack Mounted Section can reach those parts which wheeled ambulances cannot! Unfortunately he discovers later that there are positions where only men on foot can reach. These complaints are letting off steam out of frustration I think. And, of course, if things go disastrously wrong in the future he can always say "I told you so.... just look at my comments in the War Diary!" Maybe this is all evidence for a future Court of Enquiry or even worse a Court Martial!
