War Diaries Talk

Rosenthal Chau - anything known?

  • deehar by deehar

    I have no idea what or where Rosenthal Chau is. I have found nothing on the internet apart from the fact that Rosenthal was an Australian general.


  • marie.eklidvirginmedia.com by marie.eklidvirginmedia.com

    Here is an entry concerning Rosenthal Chateau.

    The other battalions of the Brigade are the Welsh, Cheshire and Suffolk’s. They are or were a few days ago at Chateau Rosenthal, Near Ypres, before that they were at Zillebeke near Ypres.


    PS A search on Google for Rosenthal Chateau brings up quite a few entries.


  • cyngast by cyngast moderator

    I agree that Chau is an abbreviation for Chateau. I have also seen it abbreviated Ctu in various diaries.


  • deehar by deehar

    Thanks everyone. The German spelling threw me! Apparently it was Chateau Rosendal (Kasteel Rosendaal) near Ypres which was known as Bedford House to the British Army. It was destroyed and the grounds later used as a war cemetery.


  • cyngast by cyngast moderator in response to deehar's comment.

    That's an interesting bit of information. Thanks for including it!


  • marie.eklidvirginmedia.com by marie.eklidvirginmedia.com

    Photo of Bedford House 1917 also interesting article of the History of the Bedford House.

