War Diaries Talk


  • erik.schaubroeckscarlet.be by erik.schaubroeckscarlet.be

    26 cases brought back including 18 wounded: the rest being sick cases or dead cases?


  • cyngast by cyngast moderator

    Sick cases. The weather was terrible with a lot of rain and getting colder. I can imagine some of the men who were by now very tired might have come down with pneumonia because they were wearing wet clothes so much. Or typhoid from unsanitary conditions.

    Burial details took care of the dead.


  • erik.schaubroeckscarlet.be by erik.schaubroeckscarlet.be

    Had every regiment such "burial details"?


  • ral104 by ral104 moderator, scientist

    When they needed to, Erik. It wasn't a permanent job. More like a working party.
