War Diaries Talk


  • erik.schaubroeckscarlet.be by erik.schaubroeckscarlet.be

    The time mentioned in the left margin doesn't correspond with what's happening. I think it is (probably) the time the author writes his diary. Is it relevant to mention the time in such cases?


  • cyngast by cyngast moderator

    I think you're right that he is putting the time he is writing. I've seen this happen before, but it was always at 8 pm or close to that time in the diary I tagged. I think I stopped tagging the time in that case.

    My first thoughts about whether it is relevant is that I, personally, think it could be interesting to track when the author had time to write the diary during August and early September 1914. This is at the very beginning of the war, and in two days from the date on this page, the British army will begin a 10-day retreat to the area east of Paris, so the time available for writing the diary may be limited and in small bits of time.

    Later on, when the war settles into the routines of trench warfare, I don't think noting the time the diary is written is particularly useful if it like the situation I described above.

    Rob may have other views on it, however.


  • ral104 by ral104 moderator, scientist

    In this case, I wouldn't tag the time - it would be interesting to track when people filled the diary entries in, as Cynthia says, but we don't have any real way of distinguishing these times from an event time.
