War Diaries Talk


  • erik.schaubroeckscarlet.be by erik.schaubroeckscarlet.be

    I think on the ninth line, after the double underlined title, there are two names. The second one is a corporal and the first maybe a lieutenant (if it is a name and if it is a lt;). But I don't have any idea what their name is. Does it have any sense to tag them? Does tagging them (wrongly) draw the attention to them?
    By the way, when I read this (and the previous ones) page, it's with regret that I think of the first "Copperplate" pages of this diary.


  • ral104 by ral104 moderator, scientist

    Copperplate! My kingdom for some copperplate! It was Shakespeare who wrote that, I think.

    I may be paraphrasing him slightly. His line had something to do with horses. Although it would have helped if he'd used the correct #horses hashtag.

    Anyway, moving on...

    This is a really difficult page to read. The line you mention, if I'm looking at the right one, seems to be saying something about a working party with Lt. Ma.... that's about as much as I can decipher. I'm not sure whether the other name is a Cpl or a Cpt, and in any case I can hardly make out the name itself. Sorry, Erik. I'm afraid that wasn't much use.

    As to whether you should tag them...I think in this case you should not. Unless we can have at least a reasonable guess at the name, there's not really any point.

    If somebody with better eyes than mine can work it out, though, that would be great!


  • cyngast by cyngast moderator

    I can't read it at all, not with enough certainty to tag anything.

    Honestly, if I came to this page, I would just skip it with a hashtag of #faint or #badscan, as Stork did.


  • marie.eklidvirginmedia.com by marie.eklidvirginmedia.com

    Hi Eric, even using the chrome filter on this page does not make for easy reading. This diary must be very frustrating for you to tag and also for anyone else tagging this same diary.

    Sometimes you can do a Google search about a diary - if you are lucky it will come up with what they were actually doing on a certain date and names are sometimes mentioned. With the diary you are tagging though I cannot even see a day/month/year – just the time of about 6.00am. and further times.

    I hope the writing etc on the diary pages will improve for you! You seem to have had a lot like this in this diary.
