War Diaries Talk

Field Company R.E.

  • erik.schaubroeckscarlet.be by erik.schaubroeckscarlet.be

    Do I tag all the work that's been done as "other"-activity? I am inclined to say no.


  • ral104 by ral104 moderator, scientist

    I'm inclined to agree 😄

    This is similar to the veterinary diaries, where this sort of activity is part and parcel of the everyday life of such a unit.


  • cyngast by cyngast moderator

    For this page, I would tag the top line about working on dugouts with "Digging/repairing positions" and then use that tag again where it says "Work on Left Bde. Headquarters."

    For the two entries about road work, I would use "Construction" as well as for the last entry where they complete the extension on the stables.

    After that, the fact that there are 4 men detached to Lovat's Scouts is probably not worth tagging, but you should tag Lovat's Scouts as another unit.

    RE diaries can be tricky. For instance, working on dugouts can entail both digging/excavating and construction, such as roofing them, so I just try to use what seems most sensible for that entry. You don't need to tag every item, either. Those first three entries can be tagged as one, unless one section does something quite different; then you might want to tag that, too, or make note of it in a comment. Anything that involves building structures or building/repairing roads is construction.

    If they demolish a bridge, or anything else, you have to use Other, but you can use the #demolition hashtag to note it.


  • cyngast by cyngast moderator

    Well, I see Rob and I don't necessarily agree! I do tag that they are involved in construction work or digging positions, with the same logic that I tag machine gun and artillery units as firing at the enemy. I tend to think that if these activities are not tagged, then the data will look like they did nothing at all.


  • ral104 by ral104 moderator, scientist

    Yes - ignore my advice and follow Cynthia's! 😄

    It's a poor excuse, but it was late when I replied and I didn't read the page properly.
