War Diaries Talk

Animal Casualties

  • Notes by Notes

    Not sure if this is within the scope of the project, but currently there is no way (other than #tag) to define between human and animal casualties. At a time when Mechanical Transport was relatively new and not especially reliable, the number of horses, mules, oxen, camels etc that were used during WW1 was phenomenal but not known with any accuracy.

    Losses of any animals would have had significant consequences for logistic suppport. To get full value from these diaries, which often feature detailed returns of veterinary activity, animal movements etc should we not be flagging this information separately?


  • HeatherC by HeatherC moderator

    We don't want you to tag animal casualties with the normal tags. We have developed a system of hashtags for this.

    See here http://talk.operationwardiary.org/#/boards/BWD000000j/discussions/DWD0000d05
    and here http://talk.operationwardiary.org/#/boards/BWD000000j/discussions/DWD000034v
